Transparent galoshes on valenki adults
Production Russia
Some information about galoshes
Overshoes or galoshes (FR. galoches ) — waterproof (usually rubber) pads, put on shoes, some types are used as independent shoes (outdoor, insulated, dielectric, etc.).
Of thin rubber galoshes worn with boots. In the past they were worn to protect shoes and shoes and boots.
Comparative comfort is wearing the galoshes as a change of footwear enterprises, in the theatre, to school, as there is no need, walking down the street, carrying around a bag with shoes, and the dressing goes into the process of simply removing the overshoes, which certainly takes much less time.
Vary in materials, decoration and specific usage: outdoor overshoes; galoshes on boots, galoshes glued on the boots; galoshes cotton Asian male, Asian cotton womens galoshes, galoshes Asian cotton baby, cotton galoshes Asian teen, Asian on the fur galoshes; overshoes from plasticate PVC black; galoshes from polyvinylchloride plastic compound color; boy glued rubber galoshes; rubber galoshes boys ' combined; galoshes lacquered rubber glued girly to be worn on shoes; galoshes lacquered rubber laminated to be worn on shoes; galoshes lacquered rubber black rubber laminated to be worn on the boots; galoshes lacquered rubber black glued rubber. |